Welcome to the London Centre for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry (LCIAD). Your peace of mind starts here…
We ask that all patients attending LCIAD start with a full new patient consultation followed by a preliminary or full dental report. This is a vital part of your care and an important step in your consent process to ensure that we advise you properly and that your treatment runs smoothly.
Professional referrals: We greatly appreciate you entrusting your patients to our care. We would be grateful if you could kindly use our REFERRAL PORTAL to refer all patients for GDPR and security reasons.
Recommend a friend or family member: Do you know someone that may benefit from our expertise? Please use our CONTACT FORM and we will do the rest.
We are a close-knit team of multidisciplinary dental professionals and it is very important to us that you feel at home and at ease when you first attend LCIAD as a new patient. Whether you have been referred by your own dental surgeon, medical practitioner or recommended by a friend or family member or if you have just found us on the internet, we would like to extend a warm welcome and a heartfelt assurance that you will be looked after.
As you get to know us, you will see the level of dedication we have to ensuring that your care is of the highest documented standard. When you first make contact or when you have been referred, our team will contact you to guide you through your first steps at LCIAD and arrange a mutually convenient time for your first consultation.
LCIAD’s consultation process may be very different to what you are used to. Please see the 10 steps below before your first consultation at the practice.
Details of the location of the practice, opening times and how best to get here are included in our CONTACT page.

1. Initial Contact
Most new patients attending LCIAD come via recommendations by other patients or via direct referral from your dental surgeon or medical practitioner.
Our reception and patient care coordination team will contact you to guide you through the initial stages prior to your consultation.
We appreciate that many of our patients lead busy lives and we will keep trying to contact you to arrange the earliest appointment to suit your diary if we cannot get through to you first-time.

2. Completion of online Medical History Questionnaire (MHQ) and Dental Questionnaire (DQ)
Firstly, please fully complete and submit our Medical History Questionnaire (MHQ) and Dental Questionnaire 3 days before your initial consultation. It is important you do this well in advance of your appointment to ensure that the information you give us is as comprehensive and accurate as possible.
We will study these questionnaires well in advance of your appointment to ensure that we personally tailor your care and the advice we give you.
Please be as thorough as possible and spend time to complete this form as fully as you can at a quiet time.
We ask a lot of questions but there are reasons for all of them. We are known for being extremely thorough!
We have developed these forms over many years to ensure that we have all the information required to give you the best treatment without anything being missed.
We must receive these questionnaires at least 72 hours before your first appointment to ensure that we are fully familiar with your medical and dental history and what you wish to get out of your consultation.
Please be aware that we may need to postpone your appointment if these forms are not received in time.

3. Consultation appointment confirmation and payment of dental consultation fee
Once we have received your completed MHQ and DQ, our receptionist or patient care co-ordinator will confirm your consultation appointment and request a £400 consultation fee payable in full in advance of your appointment date.
Please be aware that we will request return of your MHQ and DQ and payment of the consultation fee before confirming your consultation appointment.

4. Consultation with dental surgeon and patient care coordinator
The way LCIAD works may be very different from what you are used to. Your first consultation visit will normally take about 1½ hours.
Every patient that attends LCIAD goes through the same systematic consultation and information collection process so that nothing is missed, even if you feel that your problem may be minor, or you only would like us to look at one thing.
Every patient is different, and we need time to get to know each other.
As soon as you attend the practice, we are responsible for your general and dental well-being so we need to know about your medical history too.
It is our duty to ensure that we record and communicate to you every finding that may be of relevance to you even if you are unaware that you have a problem.
Our objective is to provide you with a strategy for prevention, treatment and aftercare to limit the need for extensive dental work in the future as much as possible.
This takes a lot of information collection during your visit and planning time in your absence.

5. Booking of initial hygiene appointment and complimentary follow-up discussion appointment after dental report
We will book a follow-up appointment 2 to 3 weeks after your initial consultation to give you an opportunity to discuss its content and ask any questions you may have face-to-face or via Zoom. We will also to introduce you to our hygiene and therapy team Rosanna Hosker-Thornhill and Tina Wang.
We always recommend that the first appointment after your consultation is with Rosie to go over your dental health in detail.
At the same visit, you will also meet with our patient care coordinator to go over any questions you may have regarding your dental report

6. Completion of dental report, treatment plan and estimate
It takes us at least an hour of additional time to write up and analyse your case and then a further hour to write to you with your Preliminary Dental Report. This is normally done outside clinical hours during weekends.
The treatment planning and reporting process video
Please click here to see a video of what goes on in the background to collate your report after your consultation.
We normally aim to have your preliminary dental report with you within two working weeks of your consultation though it may be longer if your dental surgeon has any conference or lecturing activities on the weekend following the consultation.
Your treatment report will be sent as a PDF document for you to complete, sign and return digitally via Adobe Sign. For the consideration of the environment we do not print our reports.
If you have any questions regarding your dental report, we encourage you to email your dental surgeon to ask any questions so that you are clear as to the details of our proposal.

7. Treatment planning and Full Dental Report for advanced or complex cases
Patients often present to LCIAD with advanced or complex problems. These require more time for proper diagnosis, treatment planning and communication.
For such cases, we will normally advise a Full Dental Report (FDR) instead of a Preliminary Dental Report. Far more information needs to be processed and communicated to you than can be included in a preliminary report and can take 3-4 hours in our own private time in the evenings or weekends to collate.
Our ethos and medicolegal requirements in the UK demand that detailed information is provided for you to be able to make treatment decisions and consent to what is being proposed in a way that is appropriate for you as an individual.
A fee of £220 per hour is normally made for reporting. If an FDR is requested on the day of your consultation (or before the PDR is written), a reduced flat fee of £440 is charged in place of the £660-£880 normally charged for a full report.

8. Dental report discussion appointment and preliminary hygienist visit two weeks after consultation
You may have questions regarding your dental report and the scheduling of treatment. Our patient care coordinator will be able to answer any questions you may have and arrange for your dental surgeon to also be present if there are any additional clinical questions.
Each patient journey commences with a visit to one of our hygienist and therapists Rosie or Tina for a New Patient Hygienist appointment which usually takes about 90 minutes. The achievement and maintenance of excellent oral health and home cleaning is the foundation of long-term dental health and the long-term success of all dental work.
We have to help you look after your remaining dentition and the work that we are planning to do for you for the foreseaable future.
The New Patient Hygienist appointment will cover the following:
• Full six-point periodontal (gum) charting to detail areas of gum health or disease, your level of home cleaning, the presence of bleeding or gum disease.
• A dietary analysis where appropriate if you have presented with tooth decay.
• Explanation of the critical role of the hygienist on your future dental care with advice and instruction on prevention of future disease
• Initial cleaning though a more comprehensive and detailed cleaning visit may be required afterwards depending on your level of gum disease.

9. Treatment agreement, signing of consent form and payment
Once you have agreed to your treatment proposal, we will require you to sign the consent form attached to your correspondence after having read LCIAD’s terms and conditions which will be included in your correspondence.
You will receive your report by email as an Adobe Sign document and will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, complete and sign.
If you are unable to proceed with the full recommended plan of treatment due to time or financial constraints, please allow us to advise you on the best alternatives to suit your time and budget. As long as we agree on strategy there is always a way to resolve your problems.
Our patient care coordinator will then collect payment or arrange finance as appropriate for the first phase of your treatment. More details on your payment choices and practice fees can be found here on our fees and payment choices page.

10. Completion of treatment and commencement of hygiene maintenance programme
Your treatment should proceed and be completed as indicated on your Preliminary or Full Dental Report. All of your treatment will be documented photographically and you are welcome to copies of all your photographs at the end of treatment upon request.
Once your treatment has been completed, we provide a final complimentary review appointment from where your future guarantees will commence as per LCIAD’s Terms and Conditions.
We will normally recommend regular hygiene appointments to ensure that all of the work you had carried out is looked after to the highest possible standards both by us and by you at home.
Usually we will recommend three-monthly hygiene visits, but this may be extended if your oral hygiene is consistently of a high standard and you have a low decay risk. Conversely, if you are susceptible to gum disease or tooth decay then we may advise that your hygiene visits are more frequent.
Our recommended hygiene interval will form the foundation of our guarantees as outlined in our terms and conditions.